Money Management

You know the same type of savings can be done on food and other household items? For groceries, I personally shop at Aldi and Save-A-Lots are great places to check out. Also, Big lots and Olies Army have great deals on canned food, and dry goods too. Don't forget the decor items, some massive saving on that as well. I saw a Simmons Sofa at Big Lots for $350 that is crazy cheap! Can you see why I can get so happy in ways the average person, can save cold hard cash! Another little money-saving tip I have picked up is buying as much of food shopping at Aldi, then head over to Krogers or Giant Eagle, for the fuel points saving. I am saving most months $35 off my fuel costs.
Why are you paying to listen to music and movies you can get custom stations on, Ihart radio, or borrow the music cd at your local library for free? Did you know that there some great services out there such as Netflix and Hulu, where you can get great TV programs, and movies, downloaded to your computer or to a media player that can be viewed on your TV?
Healthy foods
You’re getting access to 10,000 of titles for less than $10 per month. And yes, your library lends out movies too. Myth: You have to pay more for healthy foods? Healthy foods can be purchased in the form of whole natural foods. I can easily make healthily hearty meals rather inexpensive if I am willing to be creative and willing to cook and prepare my own food. I know it is easy to fall into the traps of eating processed foods in form of just open the box and heat! It does take a little more time and efforts. But it is worth the effort to know you’re feeding your family something good and healthy. The longer-term results of feeding your family processed food are overweight, negative health effects, and loss potential. The costs of short-term and long-term effects are too high.An easy way to reduce the expensive by 50% off restaurant food is to only eat half and bring the rest home, for another meal. I learned a trick from a local radio station on WNCI was to eat an apple before you go out to eat. The high fiber in the apple will fill you up and make you less hungry. Don't forget about coupons and the entertainment book.
Find out more ways to save on my website:
Author: Derek P. Bliedung
Columbus Financial & Sucess Coach