Sales Dogs : You Do Not Have to Be an Attack Dog to Be Successful in Sales (Rich Dad's Advisors series) by Blair Singer, Robert T. Kiyosaki

Sales Dogs : You Do Not Have to Be an Attack Dog to Be Successful in Sales (Rich Dad's Advisors series)
by Blair Singer, Robert T. Kiyosaki (Book Review)

How to manage each type of sales personality type, the book breaks down the personalities in top five dog types: Pit Bull, Poodle, Golden Retriever, Basset Hound and Chihuahua. Singer does gives example on how to best used each personality to their full potential.

I find that the Investment & Insurance sales are attracting the Pit Bull (hunter), yes the Pit Bull is the best in bring in the originals sales. But, over time they fail to maintain relationships, and lose sales! It cost on average 5-10 times more to gain a new customers then maintain a current customer.

Why, only employ hunters in your sales team? I personal believe this is the left over of the industrial age, where sales people where the sales, marketing and in a big part the advertising for a company. In the information age people are looking for information and often disliked to be sold! The power of soft sales, and soft marketing and what I like to think of as public relations, is the centre of the communications of the company. Yes, it takes longer to gain market share. But, just image I can get 94 hits from about 15 - 20 minutes of work using social media. That would take a telemarketer about half a day! So would you rather pay me $10 for my work as a PR professional or pay the telemarketer about $40. The out come is I am building relationship, and the telemarketing in some cases are outraging, your market!

A note to think about: I just fired my insurance guy, only time he called me when he was losing business! Too late!! This why I always stated that all sales teams need to have a Golden Retriever or Basset Hound (Farmers)! In fact a true farmer can stop selling, and the business will come to them! And most sales teams only motivate the Pit Bull, with their trips and spiffs!! For a Golden Retriever this a big wooppie!!!! The Golden is a super customer service person. They wants to go out of their way to impress and need a win-win motivation!
Great book, I hope people in Insurance & investment will start reading it and learn!!

Book Review By Derek P. Bliedung
Columbus Financial Coach | The Art of Saving Money & Making Money

Derek Bliedung brief back background:  
  His formal education consisted of liberal arts, public relations and marketing.  
He was on both the President’s list and Dean’s list during my time with Franklin University, where he earned his B.S. In marketing, and graduated with honors Cum Laude, and as well earned his undergraduate certificate in public relations management, from McGill University which has been recognized by News and World Report: In 2013 ranked 18th University in the world. 

He has had a personal commitment to himself and the community at large to find out why some individuals gain great success and some do not. This has caused Derek to read over 70 books in the area of personal development, investments, money management, financial planning, and marketing. The outcome is that he is teaching others the secret of success, and what action is needed to obtain their goals.

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